Health and it's Types
- Health is a state of being sound in physical,spiritual and social.
The 5 Main Types/ Dimensions of Health are as Follow
1) Physical Health
Physical health is defined as the ability to maintain a quality health and perform all daily activities without any physical stress.
Physical Health can be Maintain Through
- Eating a well balance diet
- sleep for 8 hrs
- Be kind to yourself
- Drink enough water
- Relax yourself
- Quit smoking and drinking alcohol
- Excercise
2) Mental health/ psychological health
According to WHO mental health is defined as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community"
You can Maintan Mental Health Through these Methods
- Take care of yourself
- Eat a healthy food
- Get good sleep
- Avoids drugs
- Physical excercise
- Engage in good activities
- Set realistic goals
- Talking with others
- Get help when you need it
3) Emotional Health
Emotional health is defined as the ability in a person to express his/her emotions in positive way and be able to talk about the emotions and ask to help when help is need.
Emotional Health is Maintain Through
- Take care of yourself
- Aware of your emotions and reactions
- Appropriately express your feelings
- You must think before act
- Find purpose
- Value yourself
- Manage stress
- Get help
4) Intellectual Health
Intellectual health refers as the cognitive ability and skills to improve ones quality of life.It is the ability to analyse, evaluate and create.
Intellectual Health can be Achieve Through
- Keep your mind creative
- Maintain curiosity
- Analyse reasons solve problems
- Keep open minded
- Improve your skills
- Play a game
- Develop ideas
- Read books
5) Social Health
Social health is defined as the healthy connection with your family, friends, members in your community and groups that you have joined.
It is the ability to make and keep friends.
Social Health can be Achieve Through
- Good communication skills
- Maintain good relationship
- create good network
- Showing respect for others
- Show good morals
- Compliment other's
- Don't criticize
- Be polite
- Work and play in cooperation
Importance of Health and it's Dimensions
Health is wealth .You must need to take care of your health because health is one of the blessing. You need to maintain your health to live a happy and beautiful life.You must need to keep your health in all aspects such as physical ,mental,emotional, intellectual and social health .If all of these aspects are sound then you could be healthy .These aspects are interconnected so try to maintain these aspects in good way to become healthy .
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