
Showing posts from April, 2021

how to maintain health and fitness

  Health and Fitness According to WHO health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing not merely the absence of disease. The terms health and fitness go hand in hand Everyone in this world wants to stay healthy and fit to live a happy and quality life. To maintain health and fitness you must keep fit and healthy. you must concentrate on your fitness if you have to maintain a healthy life. Staying fit strengthen your immune system and your body can easily fight off diseases.  Here are the tips to maintain a healthy and fit life.   1) Balance diet Balance diet is essential to keep a good health.It decrease several diseases . If you don't maintain balance diet than you are at  high risk to get or develop diseases like obesity,heart problem's, infection and laziness. Children's need enough food if they don't get healthy food they may face growth and developmental issues 2) Drink enough water Drinking plenty of water has many benefits .6-8 g...